Hi. Welcome to my blog. I thought a good way to start my first blog would be to show you a picture of me spinning on my Uncle Johnny & Aunt Lois's front lawn. I was in Smithers, BC, for a Lapadat family reunion and to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday.
I think Mom thought I was crazy when I loaded the spinning wheel into the car for out trip up to Smithers, but I sure am glad I did take it along. Not only did I enjoy spinning while I was there (of course, love spinning everywhere) but the day we were leaving and the accompanying pictures were taken, UJ was admiring what I was doing and said "You sure are old fashioned", then added that he wished his son Tony could find a woman like me. I know how much UJ loved all his children, so I took this to be a major compliment. I really didn't realize until then just how highly UJ reguarded me. This has extra meaning as UJ passed away a few short months later.
As this blog grows you will see pictures of my weaving and read much about my spinning, weaving, and other fiber related obsessions... haha. I think I'll eventually start another blog for family stuff and/or animals in my life as I am animal crazy.... but this blog will be for my fiber addiction and other craft type persuits.