Saturday, 08 April 2006 was the annual spin-in held by The Kalamalka Spinners and Weavers Guild. This is always a very fun event to attend, one which attracts spinners and weavers from far and wide. I don't have the numbers of how many people attended this year, but there were a lot of us there. I met some ladies that I know from Canspin (a web based group) that I had never met before, and you can imagine my surprise and delight when one lady said I looked familiar, and was I the one with the blog. There are venders at this affair every year, so a good chance to purchase things, and the Kal Guild had 2 tables this year selling second hand tools and yarns. I got great deals on some yarns, 3 books, and a drop spindle which I purchased from the Kal Guild. I also got 200gr of Merino/Tencil roving which feels soooo nice and will be awesome to spin.
We were served a very nice lunch after which we had a Show and Tell where most of us showed off some of our spinning and/or weaving... there sure were a lot of beautiful and inspiring items to view. I met a lot of wonderful women, and I look forward to visiting the Ponderosa Guild in Kelowna and the Guild in Oliver when I can get to these places in future. There is no way I can share here all the pictures I took there as there are too many (67), but I will share lots of them. If you would like to see more than these you'll have to come join me in front of my computer.