A close-up of the finished scarf. All the yarn in this scarf is spun from the fleece of one of Denice's own sheep. It's very nice fibre.

Louise at the loom. This is Denice's loom and she spun all the warp yarn and dressed the loom before the fair so it was ready for Louise to weave in the warp that we spun for her.

This is Kitty (left) and Fran (right) at their wheels. It was such a nice day that we decided to sit outside to do our spinning. Kitty's wheel is an Ashford Traditional made in New Zealand. Fran's wheel is a Lendrum made in Canada.

Louise modelling the scarf. It still needs the fringes trimmed and twisted, wet finishing, and ends trimmed off, but this is as far as we took it at the Burton Fair. Notice how the one end goes through a slot in the scarf.
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